econd Latin American Architecture Symposium
Tulane University, School of Architecture, New Orleans, LA
The Ogden Museum of Southern Art, Patrick F. Taylor, 925 Camp St.
10 April 2010, 8 – 6:30
EN EL AULA is a symposium and workshop intended to develop and sustain a network of scholars who successfully introduce and address Latin American architecture and urbanism “in the classroom.” Following the success of the first AULA symposium, held at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, EN EL AULA brings together to Tulane University, School of Architecture a diverse group of leading scholars in the field. Speakers will present the diverse methods used to integrate Latin American architecture and urbanism into the traditional study of the built environment and the ways that the parameters of this still emerging field are being framed. Presentations are divided into three categories: The History Survey, Specialized Courses & Emerging Research, and Travel Abroad Programs. Sessions feature invited scholars who have integrated these subjects into the Western survey, who have taught specialized courses emerging from new research, and who explore contemporary theoretical developments through travel programs in Latin America. Topics range from critiques of the narrative of the Corbusian diaspora to the impact of Latino communities in North America and abroad; they also range from Pre-Columbian to Colonial to Modern architecture and urbanism.
Conference participants will also meet for a teaching workshop April 11 from 8-10 to discuss and exchange teaching resources. Selected paper presentations will also be part of a forthcoming issue of the journal AULA: Architecture & Urbanism in Las Américas, which will focus on pedagogy in the field of Latin American architecture.
Welcome address at the School of Architecture
The conference will begin April 9, 2010, with the lecture “Inhabiting MEXICO CITY” by Javier Sánchez, winner of the Golden Lion Award for Urban Projects at the 2006 Venice Biennale for “Brazil 44,” a low-income housing project n the historic center or Mexico City. Location: Tulane University, School of Architecture, Rm 204, 6 pm, reception following lecture.
Related exhibitions
In conjunction with EN EL AULA, the school will also present a retrospective history of Latin American Architectural and Preservation Studies at Tulane University’s School of Architecture. In addition to this, the Ogden Museum of Southern Art is also showcasing three exhibits—“Jorge Otero: Un-restored Miami,” “Mario Petrirena: Soul Houses,” and a special installation by José Bedia. All are part of Sí Cuba!, a presentation throughout New Orleans of arts, music and culture related to Cuba. EN EL AULA also coincides with the annual French Quarter Festival.
For questions and further information, please contact conference organizer, Assistant Professor Robert Gonzalez, Tulane University, School of Architecture, gonzalez@tulane.edu or visit
EN EL AULA is generously supported by the Tulane University Research Enhancement Fund and the School of Architecture.
This symposium is free and open to the public.